
World AIDS Day: HIV patients are 90 percent at risk of TB, there is a profound effect on the brain A to Z Counsel

World AIDS Day: HIV patients are 90 percent at risk of TB, there is a profound effect on the brain

The risk of TB in HIV patients is 90 percent. This has been revealed in the simultaneous investigation of HIV and TB at BRD Medical College. It has also been reported that HIV and TB bacteria are causing rapid damage to the body. The effect of both is reaching the mind of the patients. The Department of Microbiology has done this research, which is set to be published in the International Journal of Medical Microbiology this year.

Dr. Amresh Singh, Head of Department of Microbiology, BRD Medical College said that if HIV infected patients get TB then their condition becomes very serious. Because, the virus and the bacteria of TB harm the body together with each other. Both slowly destroy the body’s immunity. Because of this, the effect of medicines also reduces on such patients.

Told that this year 84 HIV infected patients were tested for TB on the basis of symptoms, out of which 14 patients were found to be suffering from TB. The immunity of these patients has been found to be very weak. Also, the effect of medicines on them is also very less. These viruses and bacteria rapidly reduce the CD count of the body. The CD count in the body protects against only four diseases.

CD4, when activated, sends signals to the cell to defend against foreign diseases. However, this is not the case in these patients. Because, viruses and bacteria make the body completely hollow from inside. Apart from this, they also weaken the T-cells of the body. This is called the check molecule in the language of science. Medicines become ineffective due to its weakness.

Virus and bacteria are also affecting the brain

Dr. Amresh Singh told that AIDS is caused by virus and TB bacteria. After getting HIV, a cell called CD count-4 is destroyed. This cell protects the body from diseases. Similarly, TB also destroys the body’s immunity. Both reach the mind of the patient as well. Because of this, such patients are also having neurological problems. Such patients are being treated at the ART Center of BRD.

Do not ignore the problem of neuro

If the patients coming to the ART center are repeatedly complaining of physical imbalance, memory weakness, constant headache, tingling sensation, desolation, then such patients are suffering from neuro problems. So do not ignore these symptoms. As soon as the symptoms appear, get the neuro examination done immediately.

a look at the statistics

HIV counseling 10,346

HIV test 10,346

HIV positive 411

These figures are from January to November 30 this year.

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