
Kind of weird! Bajunam truck gela, duchakiswarala faas busla, havet udala; Accident caught on CCTV A to Z Counsel

Kind of weird!  Bajunam truck gela, duchakiswarala faas busla, havet udala;  Accident caught on CCTV

two wheeler accident: A strange accident has happened in Thothukudi of Tamil Nadu. Tote rope for tying luggage in truck. While hanging on the right side, Duchakiswarachya Adkali. That’s why Duchakiswar Hevat was thrown away. The same incident has been captured in the nearby CCTV.

Chennai: A strange accident has happened in Thothukudi of Tamil Nadu. Tote rope for tying luggage in truck. While hanging on the right side, Duchakiswarachya Adkali. That’s why Duchakiswar Hevat was thrown away. The same incident has been captured in the nearby CCTV. Sudaivanam Duchakiswarala serious injury did not happen.

Muthu is a son of Duchakiswara and is a resident of Thothukudi’s Srivaikuntam. Muthu met with an accident while going to Kamala. There was a tragic accident in the Aral area. Despite the accident, the people around came running for help. How did you suddenly become empty? The question kept popping up. Tyala kahi vel nemeka kya zaalana aahe techi nahi aalan nahi.
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After seeing the CCTV footage, we understood the exact reason behind the accident. While going to Muthu Aral Bhagatoon, Samoron came across a truck. This truck used to transport Khatanchi. Khatanachya Gonya Dorinam Alyaya tied in the truck. Just a string sutli. She went round her neck. That’s why he was dragged from the wheel.
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Galyat Doricha Phas Padtach Muthu Havet Udala. The next few moments were empty. Nemkan kya ghadlan te Muthusah se kuch neech nahi kalan nahi. People around ran to help Muthu. He removed the rope around Muthu’s neck. Sudaiwanam muthula far judaat jhali nahi. Or the investigation of the case is done by the Aral police.

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