
Katra Earthquake | Jammu and Kashmir: Earth shook in the valley, ‘earthquake’ of 3.6 magnitude in Katra, people left sweating due to fear. Navabharat (New India) A to Z Counsel

Katra Earthquake |  Jammu and Kashmir: Earth shook in the valley, 'earthquake' of 3.6 magnitude in Katra, people left sweating due to fear.  Navabharat (New India)

Pic: Social Media

New Delhi / Jammu. According to the big news received from Jammu-Kashmir, once again earthquake tremors have been felt here. According to information, the earthquake has been recorded 97 km east of Katra in Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the National Center for Seismology on the matter, the intensity of the earthquake has been measured at 3.6 on the Richter scale. If reports are to be believed, this earthquake occurred at 5.01 am in the morning and no casualty has been reported in it. Earthquake tremors were felt in Doda and Kishtwar just a month ago.

When there was an earthquake in Meghalaya

Significantly, earthquake tremors were also felt in Meghalaya on the previous day. Then this earthquake occurred at 9:26 in the morning and its intensity was recorded at 3.9. However, due to the low intensity of the earthquake, there was no report of loss of life or property.

जी20 (सांकेतिक तस्वीर)।

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