
Cigarettes, alcohol, money, marriage…; Demands kept on increasing; Forced to give life to the dentist A to Z Counsel

Cigarettes, alcohol, money, marriage...;  Demands kept on increasing;  Forced to give life to the dentist

Bangalore: Dentist Tarunin got her co-worker’s dreadfully tired life. Taruni Moolachi would have been from Lucknow. Bangalore in M.S. She used to work in Ramayya Hospital. A co-operative working in the hospital used to trouble Tila. Ya trasala kundhun three life stay stopped.

Sumit Navacha Tarun, who worked in the victim’s hospital, used to harass her continuously. Sumitnan took pressure for marriage. Sumit started insisting to make them drink and smoke. For this, there would have been pressure on the victim. Taruni’s demands are often meted out. Sumitan demanded money from the victim. Tarunin refused to give money.
Car Palavali; Kadyavarun Padali; India’s exploits America numb
Nasalyanam getting money from Tarunikadu, proposal of Lagna, Fetaalat Alyaan Sumit Santapala. Shintode Udavle, the character of Tyanam Tarunichya. False rumors about his character spread in the hospital. That’s why the victim Kollamdali. All three committed suicide. 25 Janwarala tinam aayushyala full stop. Sanjay Nagar Police is investigating the matter.

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Andrew Strauss | Avoid racial and bullying jokes in the dressing room: Andrew Strauss | Navabharat (New India) A to Z Counsel

Dhulia Crime |  Vicious accused arrested for spreading terror by carrying illegal pistol in the city.  Navabharat (New India)

Dhulia Crime | Vicious accused arrested for spreading terror by carrying illegal pistol in the city. Navabharat (New India) A to Z Counsel