
Aligarh News: The child’s life was lost due to the negligence of the electricity department, proved in the investigation report A to Z Counsel

बिजली विभाग

electricity department
– Photo: Amar Ujala


The negligence of the Electricity Department has been considered in the case of the death of a five-year-old boy Mayank after he came under the grip of 11KVA line on December 19 at Haivatpur Sia, Jawan in Aligarh. In the investigation report of Directorate of Electrical Safety, Aligarh Branch, it has been admitted that the electrical team did not maintain the line. Due to which the child died due to dilapidated line. Compensation has been recommended in this case.

In this regard, Mayank’s father Komal Singh said that a case was filed against JE Manoj and other staff in connection with the death of the child. The matter was investigated by the Directorate of Electrical Safety, Aligarh branch as per rules. The investigation team has sent its report to the Managing Director of Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam, in which it has been clearly stated that the maintenance/maintenance of this power line was not done properly.

Due to which the line was dilapidated and the child died due to breaking of the wire. The concerned electrical team is responsible for this. Along with this, compensation has been recommended. Here, the father alleges that till date nothing has happened on getting the compensation. On the contrary, threats are being received to withdraw the case and it is being said that if the matter is not obeyed, they will be implicated in a case. On this the father has now complained to the authorities.

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