
Varanasi: Police commissioner made two children suffering from cancer sit on his chair, both of their dreams came true A to Z Counsel

कैंसर पीड़ित दो बच्चों को पुलिस आयुक्त ने अपनी कुर्सी पर बैठाया

Police commissioner made two children suffering from cancer sit on his chair
– Photo: Amar Ujala


If someone has seen a dream, wants to do something in life, but comes to know that that dream will break even before it is fulfilled, then how would it feel. On the other hand, if the dream comes true before it breaks, then the spirits of the person get wings.

Something similar has happened in Varanasi. The dream of two cancer-afflicted children of Bihar was to become a police officer. This dream of his came to Varanasi on Thursday.

Police Commissioner Mutha Ashok Jain completed. Police Commissioner Mutha Ashok Jain called both the children and not only made them sit on their chairs but also made them tour the city in a police gypsy.

Actually, both these children are fighting cancer and their dream was to become an IPS officer after studying. Varanasi police made this dream of children come true.

मंत्री गुलाब देवी ने तिलक लगाकर और मिठाई खिलाकर किया स्वागत

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कात्यायिनी पांडेय द्वारा बनाई गई घड़ी।

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