
This is a government hospital: Doctors got up and left, patients kept waiting for their turn. A to Z Counsel

खाली पड़ी ओपीडी

OPD lying vacant
– Photo: Amar Ujala


In the winter season, along with cold diarrhoea, skin diseases, heart and asthma diseases, outbreaks of cold, cough, cold and fever have also increased. Because of which patients queue up in the OPD of District Hospital and Deendayal Hospital since morning. The situation was similar on Thursday as well. There was a queue in front of the OPD. But after the time was up, the doctors got up and left and the patients kept waiting for their turn.

There are two physician doctors in the OPD of both the hospitals. When one doctor gets busy with administrative duties, only one doctor remains in the OPD. About 1100-1100 patients are reaching daily in both the hospitals. In such a situation, 1100 patients are unable to get treatment let alone advice with the help of one doctor. Hundreds of patients are returning empty handed.

Closed OPD

There was huge crowd in both the hospitals on Thursday also. But till 11:30 am only one doctor was available, there was a long line of patients outside his room. By the time these doctors could see all the patients, their time was over. In such a situation, the patients were forced to return without treatment. In this regard, the District Hospital CMS and Deendayal Hospital CMS only say that treatment is being given to every patient. Struggling with the shortage of doctors, the work is being done in some way.

Was in line since morning. It was expected that he would get treatment on his turn. But at one o’clock the doctors got up and could not get treatment. -Sharda, Jaiganj

It is not possible to get treatment in such a big hospital with the help of one doctor. This is what happened, the doctor left the OPD when his turn came. -Satyavati, Sarai Hakim

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