
Shraddha Aftab Case: Aftab’s narco test completed, what questions were asked at the end of both? A to Z Counsel

Shraddha Aftab Case: Aftab's narco test completed, what questions were asked at the end of both?

New Delhi Suspected accused in Shraddha Walker murder case, Aftab Poonawala petition came for narco test today. The questions regarding the destruction of the old ones after the murder and cut are being told in Aftabala’s consideration. Meanwhile, due to the narco test, the misdirection of Aftaban’s investigation so far, will his falsity be exposed? These clothes will be important. Meanwhile, Aftab has answered most of the questions posed to him, sources have provided such information.

Narco test of Aftab Poonawalla, accused in Shraddha Walkar murder case, was conducted at Delhi’s Dr. Ambedkar Hospital on Thursday. At this time, the officers related to the investigation of the case, along with the experts would have been present somewhere. Aftabchi’s narco test took about two hours. He answered many questions during the test. According to sources, Aftab has given answers to many questions.

Rajyakarte Radyanchi Avlad Aste, Sadbhau Khot Yanch Statement
Aftab has given answers to many questions in English. Aftala took some time to answer some questions. Many questions would have come to his mind during the trial. At that time Aftab remained calm for some time. Whenever these questions were discussed again and again, at the same time Aftabana gave answers to those questions, as it is said.

During the narco test, Aftabala was asked many questions. On which date was Shraddha Valkar’s murder committed? Shraddala’s death? How did you kill her? Also, after killing Shraddha, how her body was cut into pieces and with what weapons? Where did you throw it? The usual questions are told from the sources that have been discussed. Apart from this Aftabala some more questions came up for consideration. He has given answers to most of these questions.

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