
Honeymoonla Gayle, Baikone Navriyala Chahatoon Nashechi Goli Dilli Un Mag… A to Z Counsel

Honeymoonla Gayle, Baikone Navriyala Chahatoon Nashechi Goli Dilli Un Mag...

Lucknow: All the witnesses took the oath of seven births, vowed to live together for life, and then the newlyweds would not believe in the newlyweds. A newly married bride who went on her honeymoon half of her marriage ceremony was impure, but the dates ran away. When Navriyala woke up, she was deceived by Kalalam. She would have left the hotel with the bag.

When the husband researched the wife, he realized that she would have already had a love marriage. There is no option other than asking for the court to come or the poor Patikade. Presently he has filed a case in the civil court.

The Satyam yachan lagna of Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh was accompanied by Dipasa of Agra. Both marriages took place with the consent of both families and the witness of hundreds of people. After marriage, on 8th December 2022, the honeymoon would have gone to Uttarakhand. When he reached Rishikesh on December 9, he took a room in a hotel there. After that, the wife gave Satyamala Chahatoon Nashech medicine, when she drank it, she became impure.

After purifying the pot, Dipasa left the hotel with all her belongings, money and a tourist trolley bag. When Satyam woke up at night, he asked the people in the hotel about his wife. Then his wife of Kalalan left for Tethoon with the goods at 7 in the evening. After that he ran to the police station and when the police inquired about it, his wife left for Delhi in a bus.

After that Satyam gave information about him and Deepasachya’s family. Then Dipasa’s family told that, no matter what happens, I would have been in a relationship with another person. His name is Anshu Yadav and he is a big goon. Satyamala was shocked to hear this.

After this, Satyam filed a complaint in Uttarakhand, Aligarh and Agra Police Station. But, no action has been taken so far. After all Satyamne Civil Courtach Dar Thothavalam. His wife Dipasane has sent a notice to Satyamvar alleging assault and sexual harassment.

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