
Every day getting pieces; Police returned home, opened 500 fridges first; after all the mystery boils A to Z Counsel

Every day getting pieces;  Police returned home, opened 500 fridges first;  after all the mystery boils

Delhi: Shraddha Walker murder case has been repeated in Delhi. Police found pieces of human body in Pandav Nagarati Ramlila Maidan area. Every day pieces would be found. Only the information about the whereabouts of the dead bodies was not available. Crime Branch took over the investigation of the case. After almost 5 months of hard work, finally the crime started.

Dead body pieces would have been found around the Ramlila Maidan. The police checked the fridges in the houses in the premises. The local people thought about the foul smell from the surrounding areas. Finally after 5 months the police found the accused. The pieces of Anjan Daschaya’s dead body found near the ground were exposed by the police. So he would have been a resident of Bihar.
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Poonam, the second wife of Anjan Das and her son Deepak, brutally murdered Anjan Das. Anjan, his son-in-law, Deepak’s daughter, Deepak’s sister’s eyes were seen. That’s why a conspiracy was hatched to kill Deepak and Poonman Anjan. He gave Anjanla pills. After that his throat slit. Cut his dead body into 10 pieces and put it in the fridge. Poonam and Deepak used to lie outside the house every night and hang the dead bodies around the ground.

Everyday pieces of human dead bodies were found in Ramlila area. Only the identity of the deceased was not known. That’s why the policemen had a difficult challenge. The police were suspicious of the residents of half Block 20. The police went to the house and checked the fridge. Sikandar Singh, who lives in Block 20, told this idea after the police came home and opened the fridge.
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About 500 fridges were opened by the police. There is an extra fridge in the house. Police Sikanderla thought about whether you smell bad in the surrounding area. Answered in the negative. There are 500 houses in Block 20 and there are many such blocks in the area. Therefore, one can imagine how hard the police took while investigating the case, said Sikandar.

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